GSM Thermostats
MobilTherm-1S - Entry-level GSM thermostat and temperature alarm system
Affordable GSM thermostat and temperature alarm with built-in digital thermometer and antenna. Equipped with a low-voltage, low-current relay output. Comes with free configurator and programmer software.
Sold only in Hungary.
Advanced GSM thermostat and temperature alarm with built-in backup battery, external auxiliary digital thermometer and external magnetic antenna. Equipped with two low-voltage, low-current relay outputs and a voltage-free contact input. Comes with free configurator and programmer software.
Sold only in Hungary.
Parameters: Digital thermometer with operating range of -50 to +50 C. Single low-voltage and low-current output relay. Configurable thermostat functionality with alarms for low and high temperature levels and adjustable temperature hysteresis. Industrial-range power supply (10-40VDC) with built-in supply monitoring feature. Comes with small antenna or auxiliary magnetic stand antenna. Configurable and programmable with our free software. The device can be programmed via microUSB port and the configuration can be modified remotely via SMS.
Suggested: Suitable for apartments, houses and weekend houses for general-purpose use. Also suitable for industrial devices, e.g. refrigerators, ovens, dryers, etc. The device allows remote controlling of both consumer and industrial devices, alarm systems and more.
MobilTherm-1M - GSM thermostat with backup battery
GSM thermostat and temperature alarm with built-in backup battery, digital thermometer and antenna. Equipped with a low-voltage, low-current relay output and a voltage-free contact input. Comes with free configurator and programmer software.
Sold only in Hungary.
Affordable GSM thermostat and temperature alarm with built-in backup battery, external auxiliary digital thermometer and external magnetic antenna. Equipped with a low-voltage, low-current relay output and a voltage-free contact input. Comes with free configurator and programmer software.
Sold only in Hungary.
Parameters: Built-in Li-Po backup battery. Digital thermometer with operating range of -50 to +50 C. Configurable thermostat functionality with alarms for low and high temperature levels and adjustable temperature hysteresis. Single low-voltage and low-current output relay that can be remotely controlled via SMS. Capable of sending SMS notifications and initiating voice calls upon triggering the voltage-free contact input according to the actual configuration. Industrial-range power supply (10-40VDC) with built-in supply monitoring feature. Comes with small antenna or auxiliary magnetic stand antenna. Configurable and programmable with our free software. The device can be programmed via microUSB port and the configuration can be modified remotely via SMS.
Suggested: Designed for both private and industrial applications. Suitable for apartments, houses and weekend houses for general-purpose use. Also suitable for industrial devices, e.g. refrigerators, ovens, dryers, etc. The device allows remote controlling of both consumer and industrial devices, alarm systems and more.
MobilTherm-1xL - Advanced GSM thermostat with backup battery
Advanced GSM thermostat and temperature alarm with built-in backup battery, digital thermometer and antenna. Equipped with two low-voltage, low-current relay outputs and a voltage-free contact input. Comes with free configurator and programmer software.
Sold only in Hungary.
Advanced GSM thermostat and temperature alarm with built-in backup battery, external auxiliary digital thermometer and external magnetic antenna. Equipped with two low-voltage, low-current relay outputs and a voltage-free contact input. Comes with free configurator and programmer software.
Sold only in Hungary.
Parameters: Built-in Li-Po backup battery. Digital thermometer with operating range of -50 to +50 C. Configurable thermostat functionality with alarms for low and high temperature levels and adjustable temperature hysteresis. Two low-voltage and low-current output relays that can be remotely controlled via SMS. Capable of sending SMS notifications and initiating voice calls upon triggering the voltage-free contact input according to the actual configuration. Industrial-range power supply (10-40VDC) with built-in supply monitoring feature. Comes with small antenna or auxiliary magnetic stand antenna. Configurable and programmable with our free software. The device can be programmed via microUSB port and the configuration can be modified remotely via SMS.
Suggested: Designed for mainly industrial applications however also suitable for private use. Suitable for apartments, houses and weekend houses for general-purpose use. Suitable for industrial devices, e.g. refrigerators, ovens, dryers, etc. The device allows remote controlling of both consumer and industrial devices, alarm systems and more.
MobilTherm-2S - Entry-level GSM-based temperature alarm system
Affordable GSM-based temperature alarm system with built-in digital thermometer and antenna. Equipped with a low-voltage, low-current relay output. Comes with free configurator and programmer software.
Sold only in Hungary.
Affordable GSM-based temperature alarm system with external auxiliary digital thermometer and antenna. Equipped with a low-voltage, low-current relay output. Comes with free configurator and programmer software.
Sold only in Hungary.
Parameters: Digital thermometer with operating range of -50 to +50 C. Single low-voltage and low-current output relay. Configurable temperature alarms for low and high temperature levels and adjustable temperature hysteresis. Industrial-range power supply (10-40VDC) with built-in supply monitoring feature. Comes with small antenna or auxiliary magnetic stand antenna. Configurable and programmable with our free software. The device can be programmed via microUSB port and the configuration can be modified remotely via SMS.
Suggested: Suitable for apartments, houses and weekend houses for general-purpose use. Also suitable for industrial devices, e.g. refrigerators, ovens, dryers, etc. The device allows remote controlling of both consumer and industrial devices, alarm systems and more.
MobilTherm-2M - GSM-based temperature alarm system withy battery backup
GSM temperature alarm module with battery backup, built-in or auxiliary digital thermometer, and built-in small straight antenna. It has a contact input, a low current relay output and a free downloader software.
Sold only in Hungary.
GSM-based temperature alarm system with built-in backup battery, external auxiliary digital thermometer and external magnetic antenna. Equipped with a low-voltage, low-current relay output and a voltage-free contact input. Comes with free configurator and programmer software.
Sold only in Hungary.
Parameters: Built-in Li-Po backup battery. Digital thermometer with operating range of -50 to +50 C. Configurable temperature alarms for low and high temperature levels and adjustable temperature hysteresis. Single low-voltage and low-current output relay that can be remotely controlled via SMS. Capable of sending SMS notifications and initiating voice calls upon triggering the voltage-free contact input according to the actual configuration. Industrial-range power supply (10-40VDC) with built-in supply monitoring feature. Comes with small antenna or auxiliary magnetic stand antenna. Configurable and programmable with our free software. The device can be programmed via microUSB port and the configuration can be modified remotely via SMS.
Suggested: Designed for both private and industrial applications. Suitable for apartments, houses and weekend houses for general-purpose use. Also suitable for industrial devices, e.g. refrigerators, ovens, dryers, etc. The device allows remote controlling of both consumer and industrial devices, alarm systems and more.
MobilTherm-2xL - Advanced GSM-based temperature alarm system
with battery
Advanced GSM-based temperature alarm system with built-in backup battery, two digital thermometers and antenna. Equipped with two low-voltage, low-current relay outputs and a voltage-free contact input. Comes with free configurator and programmer software.
Sold only in Hungary.
Advanced GSM-based temperature alarm system with built-in backup battery, two external auxiliary digital thermometers and external magnetic antenna. Equipped with two low-voltage, low-current relay outputs and a voltage-free contact input. Comes with free configurator and programmer software.
Sold only in Hungary.
Parameters: Built-in Li-Po backup battery. Two digital thermometers with operating range of -50 to +50 C. Configurable alarms for low and high temperature levels and adjustable temperature hysteresis. Two low-voltage and low-current output relays that can be remotely controlled via SMS. Capable of sending SMS notifications and initiating voice calls upon triggering the voltage-free contact input according to the actual configuration. Industrial-range power supply (10-40VDC) with built-in supply monitoring feature. Comes with small antenna or auxiliary magnetic stand antenna. Configurable and programmable with our free software. The device can be programmed via microUSB port and the configuration can be modified remotely via SMS.
Suggested: Designed for mainly industrial applications however also suitable for private use. Suitable for apartments, houses and weekend houses for general-purpose use. Suitable for industrial devices, e.g. refrigerators, ovens, dryers, etc. The device allows remote controlling of both consumer and industrial devices, alarm systems and more.